28 Apr Yes, We Can Keep Your Cargo Moving through COVID-19
Travel restrictions may be in full play during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the freight industry is one area that needs to keep moving.
The road transport industry plays an integral part in supporting workers during the Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic. As the impacts of the virus increases, maintaining a fully functional supply chain is critical in reducing the effects of the crisis on businesses.
Global logistics leaders are working with governments to keep freight moving in air, sea and on the roads amid widespread Covid-19 disruption. The movement of goods needs to have as little restrictions and delays as possible, especially when it comes to delivering food, medical supplies and emergency/protective equipment.
As countries around the world have locked down to slow the spread of Covid-19, many people have been panic buying food and essentials for their homes, not to mention the lack of vital medical equipment needed in healthcare facilities. What makes it even harder for countries to have enough crucial supplies on hand is that so much of it is pieced together in complex supply chains stretching around the world.
As essential services, transport, logistics and supply chain operators must continue to function throughout the COVID-19 crisis, even with the constraints. It’s important to remember that freight services such as shipping and haulage are vital for ensuring continuity of supply chains. As an essential service, it has been recognised that individuals working on transport are indeed classed as key workers.
Inevitably, border closures will mean that there will be reduced access to international air/shipping freight and potentially delay and bottleneck the flow of goods throughout domestic road/rail networks. There is a real need for industry and government leaders to remove any factors that might slow down or impact freight moved across the country.
There are strategies in place and the freight industry has quickly had to find solutions to increase the demand for local drivers, sea freight capacity and air travel. One solution has been to collaborate with other companies that share similar customers and products and to supply goods to markets that they don’t usually provide for.
With the roads now considerably quieter due to lockdowns and restrictions, it’s easier for freight carriers to move around the country. COVID-19 has left the roads more open for commercial drivers and for the safe and swift transportation of goods.
Travel times have been reduced for deliveries and goods movement on the roads and if you’re wondering about what might be the best mode of transporting your goods, then look at the following reasons for choosing road transit at this time.
10 reasons to choose road freight:
If you’re looking for reasons why it is beneficial to use road freight, then here are a few reasons to consider.
One carrier: Road freight is an all-purpose option for transportation, which means that you don’t need to use multiple carriers for the same items.
Flexibility and convenience: Road freight provides flexibility in delivery and collection times, offering a convenient alternative to customers.
Speed: Unrestricted by flight times and railway times, road freight can deliver throughout the day at a time convenient for the customer, so they get their delivery quicker.
Door to door: Door to door delivery is a key advantage of road freight and there is no need for collection or other delivery arrangements to be made.
Damage control: Road freight can be used for transporting delicate or fragile goods safely and in a timely manner.
Delivering to rural areas: Some areas are hard to reach. Most hard to reach areas can be reached via road, making road freight the best alternative.
Short distance delivery: Road freight is the best method for short-distance deliveries. Goods can be loaded and delivered straight to the customer.
Freight forwarding: If goods need to be transported by sea, air or rail, then road freight can act as a feeder to these other methods of transport.
Packing costs: Packing costs are significantly reduced by road freight. Packing is not as complicated and can be done quicker and more efficiently, saving time and money.
Unrestricted goods: Dependent on the vehicle being used for road freight, goods of any size or dimension can be transported.
Prevents port congestion: Without the help of the road freight transport industry with hauling all the goods to their intended destinations according to schedule, the ports will end up congested. The only ones who can get the job done properly are local road freight transport service providers, who have the right knowledge and experience and understanding of pick ups.
Helps the economy: Road freight contributes a large amount to the economy and it provides much needed support to most businesses across the country, but also because it’s one of the major economic contributors.
Key part of logistics: The road freight transport industry may very well be the most important part of the logistics industry, because it serves as the link between sea freight transport and air freight transport providers.
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